
Sunday, 22 May 2011

By Gheorghe!!

I have been away all last week travelling again.  This time in Bucharest for a change.  Sunny weather, some beautiful architecture and enough hot daddybears to shake several sticks at.  Now I understand why most people hate travelling, especially with work.  It can be a long day connecting to different flights and such.  But I've got to be honest - I fucking love airports.  There are just so many stunningly hot men to see.  Whether they be business men, all suited and booted looking deliciously hot or holidayers in their shorts or baggy, comfort trousers (with great visible pant lines).  For a guy who just likes to watch the hotness wander about, there really is no greater place (although the gate at Bucharest for Tel Aviv really suggested I need to go there!).  For example, take a wee look at the guy I tried to snap at Heathrow.  I apologise for the quality as I could not get into a good position before he wandered off however you can see enough to understand why he is now someone I think about regularly.  I'll let you guess who he reminded me of :

And he was wearing shorts - damn my slow reaction time!!!

Bucharest itself offered many a hot specimen.  The hotel I was staying in had a tour bus of older people visiting.  There was plenty of hot older chubby man flesh to see by the pool, just wearing their swim shorts.  If I wasn't out by the side of the pool trying (unsuccessfully) to make eye contact, I was stuck to the bar window like a Garfield car toy.  Held in place by sweat, drool and pre-cum.  There's a mental image for ya!

So it is only right that the man this week is Romanian.  I have previously featured Silviu Purcarete on here, so this guy is not the first Romanian.  Meet Tudor Gheorghe.  He is a famous actor, poet and musician.  He was listed as Number 76 on the 2006 100 Greatest Romanians of All Time.  And he is listed as Number 2 on the 2011 100 Romanians that I'd like to fuck senseless  (Mr Purcarete still holds top spot).  He has a rather fantastic moustache and very sexy eyes.  I'm going to be honest and admit I don't really know his music.  I am only interested in how good his moustache would look with cum dripping from it.  And my photoshop sessions tell me that it would look extremely good.  Hope you enjoy!

Han Solo :  The Later Years

He likes to point doesn't he?  He is No 1 in the 2008 100 most pointy Romanians of All Time

Yes.  This was the picture that I photoshopped cum onto.

"Come on now! Sing! Shake it, Shake it, Shake it like a polaroid picture!"


  1. Yeah, and the reason for all his pointing appears to be because he wants you to notice his wedding ring, like a skull and crossbones, warning errant Scotsmen not to proceed any further - except in their imaginations.

    I totally agree with you about airports - and I thought that I was just about the only one who felt that way. What I love about them is that suspended quality of passing most of a day in transition while the whole wide world seems to be passing by you on its way to somewhere else. When I travel by plane, it's all a plus for me. The waiting, the watching, the coffee drinking, the newspaper reading, the shop browsing, the hotness enjoying, the drooling and, yes, I'll admit, the men's room visiting, is all good, clean fun for me. But I've never dared to take any pictures of anybody while I was there for fear of being called into suspicion and having to follow a thug-like official into some back office for 'questioning'.

    And a final thought: that second photo (two down after the airport shot) is disturbing because his eyes are odd. They're the eyes of a man who just fed your mutilated body parts into a wood-chipper and is now looking for a way to keep the party going. Careful, mogan.

  2. Wow, Tony! This is indeed a handsome fellow. I just know he's in need of a drummer. Like they say on Wayne's World..."Schwing!"

  3. I am from Bucharest and I enjoy your blog for the fun in the posts and of course the daddies. Gheorghe isn't my type but indeed we have some hot dads around here. Airports are fine but you should see the train station!!! I use it a lot for traveling and the central train station is packed with gorgeous gramps - what's great about the ones here is that they are old fashioned, rugged worker types, the kind that don't use to travel by plane so you won't see them in airports. Try the train station sometime... it definitely has some gems. I drool all the time, and often I am sad when my train arrives since I have the feeling I miss the hottest of them. Last time one of the hottest was in the same train as me and was a few seats away, I could enjoy watching him for 3 hours... pure joy.

  4. Thanks for the tip! Next time I am there, I will hang around the train station!

  5. "pure joy", that's what everybody says about me, too, Sunset. And I'm sure that mogan has a train station where he lives, as well, although the way he's worded his response almost makes me believe that this is an entirely new thought for him. As if.
